September 23, 2012

Counting on Kyle

I don't usually write to you telling of specific people in my life, but I think this new friend deserves to be known. I have many new friends, but this one in particular stands out. He stands out, because he fits in so well in my life. Kyle is a student at the university next to mine, he, like me, has a double major, one of which being English Literature. Aside from our scholarly similarities, we have dozens of things in common. From physical features, to interests, to foods, even to how foods are prepared, etc. We have discovered that there are very few things that we do not have in common. The exact list that we have come to can be counted, it is as follows:

1. Kyle has a Y chromosome. 
2. Annie likes Cherry Sauce
3. Kyle likes Mustard
4. Annie loves Jesus

Four things. That's right. After countless conversations, we've come up with 4 things that set us apart. Now before you get all jumpy at the fact that I'm writing about a boy, please know that he is dating a great friend of mine. Oh you're probably wondering how we met! That's a good question. Kyle works with my roomie, so naturally I met him at Subway. The first time we spent time together outside of Subway was when a bunch of us went to see The Hunger Games when it was in the theatre! The defining moment of our friendship? Well that would have to be when I was ordering a sub one fine day, and just as a sandwich artist was about to put red hot peppers on my sub, he spoke out and said, "wait, she only likes the orange ones." (I'm not a picky eater, I promise. As my grandmother puts it, I just know what I like.) 

Just so you know a bit about my new friend, he is a very talented writer, a good singer, a great cook, wonderful at doing hair, he is cheery, he has good taste in movies, he doesn't care what others think of him, he is a hard worker, you can count on him, he cares vary deeply for his friends, and most importantly he goes above and beyond in all that he does. 

I can prove it. Two days ago he was helping me build a new desk, and when I had to go to class he offered to finish it for me. Not only was the desk finished when I got home, but he had also taken it up to my room for me. Hip Hip Hooray for good friends like Kyle, because new friends can be good friends, and having good friends is good.

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