March 27, 2013


I graduate in less than a month. Pause.
I have a lot of school work to do. Pause.
I start my next degree in about a month. Pause.
Soon I will be moving provinces...again. Pause.
I have to finish this assignment, but tea and a kitty are more important. Pause.
I'm getting older. Pause.

Things are staring to skink in. 
Right now almost every aspect of my life feels like it is moving too fast. I feel like someone has the remote control of my life and is skipping through the channels, without letting me just sit down and watch one entire show. 

The reason why I haven't been blogging a lot lately is because I sit down, write half a post, and then never return to it. I have three essays started, but no motivation to take them any further. I have tentative plans with friends, but I haven't actually gotten around to seeing them. I'm having a really hard time soaking up where I am, and what I am doing. I feel like I'm in line at the grocery store and the person behind me is invading my personal space, pushing me almost in to the person infront of me. 

Monday afternoon/evening I hit Pause. My roommate and I were both in a weird mood, and long story short we ended up whipping out the Nintendo. We hit Pause on adulthood. In those few hours we didn't think of school work, graduation, or other concerns. It may have been a highlight of mine while here at STU. A highlight of STU that wasn't at STU at all. I know, crazy eh? Super Mario Bros. triumphed over most of the knowledge I gained, because Nintendo taught me the importance of pause. Our lives may not literally be like Nintendo, able to pause and pick up where we left off, but what I think we can do is pause certain aspects of our life. Homework is always going to be there. Worry about the future can wait, and most concerns of life can wait until a bit of time is invested into the life of Mario and Luigi. It's okay to admit that you "need a minute" (no matter how long a minute is to you). It's okay to say "no" to socializing and to say yes to an evening of crocheting, or Criminal Minds. In fact, I may go so far as to say it's healthy to hit pause once in a while, and gain rest for the journey. What I'm going to miss most about Fredericton is not the cool classes, the mad adventures, or the hustle and bustle. I'm going to miss the times I sat down and hit pause, reflecting on my time, and spending quality time with the people here that I love. Being busy can be a blessing. I find that it is in my busiest times that I appreciate my Pause button the most. 


  1. I really like this blog Annie, I agree that pause isn't used enough... I hope you use the pause button when you get home but after you clean up the mess lol

  2. Annie, I loved this post because I think you hit the nail on the head. The pause button needs to be used more often and I can totally relate to how you're feeling. I, too, have a bunch of half-written blog post drafts. I feel like life is going too fast. (A little less than 3 months left in China! Crazy!) I'm planning on having a "me night" tonight and am hoping that pause will be just what I need.
